[RenPy] 纯文本查看 复制代码
define e = Character("艾琳")
define p = Character("玩家")
image bg pong = "images/pong_bg.png"
class PongDisplayable(renpy.Displayable):
def __init__(self):
# Some displayables we use.
self.paddle = Image("images/pong.png")
self.ball = Image("images/pong_ball.png")
self.player = Text(_("[p]"), size=36)
self.eileen = Text(_("[e]"), size=36)
self.ctb = Text(_("点击开始"), size=36)
# The sizes of some of the images.
self.BALL_WIDTH = 25
self.BALL_HEIGHT = 5
self.COURT_TOP = 168
self.COURT_BOTTOM = 600
# If the ball is stuck to the paddle.
self.stuck = True
# The positions of the two paddles.
self.playery = (self.COURT_BOTTOM - self.COURT_TOP) / 2
self.computery = self.playery
# The speed of the computer.
self.computerspeed = 350.0
# The position, dental-position, and the speed of the
# ball.
self.bx = 326
self.by = self.playery
self.bdx = .5
self.bdy = .5
self.bspeed = 300.0
# The time of the past render-frame.
self.oldst = None
# The winner.
self.winner = None
def visit(self):
return [ self.paddle, self.ball, self.player, self.eileen, self.ctb ]
# Recomputes the position of the ball, handles bounces, and
# draws the screen.
def render(self, width, height, st, at):
# The Render object we'll be drawing into.
r = renpy.Render(width, height)
# Figure out the time elapsed since the previous frame.
if self.oldst is None:
self.oldst = st
dtime = st - self.oldst
self.oldst = st
# Figure out where we want to move the ball to.
speed = dtime * self.bspeed
oldbx = self.bx
if self.stuck:
self.by = self.playery
self.bx += self.bdx * speed
self.by += self.bdy * speed
# Move the computer's paddle. It wants to go to self.by, but
# may be limited by it's speed limit.
cspeed = self.computerspeed * dtime
if abs(self.by - self.computery) <= cspeed:
self.computery = self.by
self.computery += cspeed * (self.by - self.computery) / abs(self.by - self.computery)
# Handle bounces.
# Bounce off of top.
ball_top = self.COURT_TOP + self.BALL_HEIGHT / 2
if self.by < ball_top:
self.by = ball_top + (ball_top - self.by)
self.bdy = -self.bdy
renpy.sound.play("images/sound/pong_beep.wav", channel=0)
# Bounce off bottom.
ball_bot = self.COURT_BOTTOM - self.BALL_HEIGHT / 2
if self.by > ball_bot:
self.by = ball_bot - (self.by - ball_bot)
self.bdy = -self.bdy
renpy.sound.play("images/sound/pong_beep.wav", channel=0)
# This draws a paddle, and checks for bounces.
def paddle(px, py, hotside):
# Render the paddle image. We give it an 800x600 area
# to render into, knowing that images will render smaller.
# (This isn't the case with all displayables. Solid, Frame,
# and Fixed will expand to fill the space allotted.)
# We also pass in st and at.
pi = renpy.render(self.paddle, 1280, 768, st, at)
# renpy.render returns a Render object, which we can
# blit to the Render we're making.
r.blit(pi, (int(px), int(py - self.PADDLE_HEIGHT / 2)))
if py - self.PADDLE_HEIGHT / 2 <= self.by <= py + self.PADDLE_HEIGHT / 2:
hit = False
if oldbx >= hotside >= self.bx:
self.bx = hotside + (hotside - self.bx)
self.bdx = -self.bdx
hit = True
elif oldbx <= hotside <= self.bx:
self.bx = hotside - (self.bx - hotside)
self.bdx = -self.bdx
hit = True
if hit:
renpy.sound.play("images/sound/pong_boop.wav", channel=1)
self.bspeed *= 1.10
# Draw the two paddles.
paddle(304, self.playery, 304 + self.PADDLE_WIDTH)
paddle(966, self.computery, 966)
# Draw the ball.
ball = renpy.render(self.ball, 1280, 720, st, at)
r.blit(ball, (int(self.bx - self.BALL_WIDTH / 2),
int(self.by - self.BALL_HEIGHT / 2)))
# Show the player names.
player = renpy.render(self.player, 1280, 720, st, at)
r.blit(player, (250, 50))
# Show Eileen's name.
eileen = renpy.render(self.eileen, 1280, 720, st, at)
ew, eh = eileen.get_size()
r.blit(eileen, (1020 - ew, 50))
# Show the "Click to Begin" label.
if self.stuck:
ctb = renpy.render(self.ctb, 1280, 720, st, at)
cw, ch = ctb.get_size()
r.blit(ctb, (630 - cw / 2, 60))
# Check for a winner.
if self.bx < -200:
self.winner = "[e]"
# Needed to ensure that event is called, noticing
# the winner.
elif self.bx > 1000:
self.winner = "[p]"
# Ask that we be re-rendered ASAP, so we can show the next
# frame.
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
# Return the Render object.
return r
# Handles events.
def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
import pygame
# Mousebutton down == start the game by setting stuck to
# false.
if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and ev.button == 1:
self.stuck = False
# Set the position of the player's paddle.
y = max(y, self.COURT_TOP)
y = min(y, self.COURT_BOTTOM)
self.playery = y
# If we have a winner, return him or her. Otherwise, ignore
# the current event.
if self.winner:
return self.winner
raise renpy.IgnoreEvent()
label demo_minigame_pong:
window hide None
# Put up the pong background, in the usual fashion.
scene bg pong
# Run the pong minigame, and determine the winner.
winner = ui.interact(suppress_overlay=True, suppress_underlay=True)
scene bg washington
show eileen vhappy
window show None
if winner == "[e]":
e "我赢了!"
e "[p] 你赢了。"
show eileen happy
e "你想再玩一次吗??"
jump demo_minigame_pong