[RenPy] 纯文本查看 复制代码
### 地图移动系统/16:9地砖方格版 ####################################################
# 使用说明/必看
# 本系统由 Maz 用 屎山 编写
# 主要面向 renpy 新手用户进行定制化,基本由 renpy 简单代码编写完成
# 将系统模块化,即插即用,并内置使用说明
# 如果您嫌说明过长,仅需关注【】内的使用说明
# 注1 为了避免变量名冲突,此系统内变量名均为注释中()内汉字的拼音首字母+英文
# 注2 为了避免名称冲突,系统包内文件、变量均特殊命名化,请在使用前进行查重
# 注3 注释中【】内的注释为简单自定义化的说明
# 注4 如果您使用的是ATOM文本编辑器,快捷键 ctrl+shift+alt+{ 收起全部子级更方便您对本系统的查阅
# 注5 如果您使用的是VScode文本编辑器,快捷键 ctrl+K,CTRL+0 收起全部子级更方便您对本系统的查阅
# 此地图系统的思路是将画面划分为16:9的方格,即最左上方为坐标(1,1)最右下方坐标为(16,9)
# 这里称为我定义的 “虚拟坐标”
# 系统实际计算使用的是真实的坐标,如(60,60),对应的是虚拟坐标的(1,1)
# 定义虚拟坐标的目的是为了具体的控制移动长短和适当的增加交互次数,也为了方便更有秩序的对地图进行规划
# 实际上在您理解这个简单系统的构造之后,您完全可以写成32:18的方格地图或是完全屏弃“方格”这个概念
# 这个概念和构思实际上来源于RPGmaker的地砖移动
# 【此系统的核心思路其实是通过虚拟按键对角色进行移动限制】
# 【为了让图像处于地图方格的正中心,需要理解真实坐标与虚拟坐标的转化】
# 【真实坐标=虚拟坐标*地砖方格边长-地砖方格边长的一半】
# 【以本系统的16:9为例,即为 真实坐标=虚拟坐标*120-60】
### 系统正文 #######################################################################
## 图像模块 ########################################################################
transform tybh_fxy:
anchor (0.5,0.5)
transform tybh_fxx:
anchor (0.5,0.5)
rotate 90
transform tybh_fxz:
anchor (0.5,0.5)
rotate 180
transform tybh_fxs:
anchor (0.5,0.5)
rotate 270
# 这是模拟手柄界面的左右切换,如不需要可删除这个小功能
# 这个功能意在避免虚拟按键遮挡住部分地图
# 收起全部缩进后查找playermode这个关键字可以让你快速理解它的结构
default playermode = 0
# (真实坐标)(X,Y)
default move_pos_x = 60
default move_pos_y = 60
# (虚拟坐标)(X,Y)
default move_vpos_x = 1
default move_vpos_y = 1
# (通行禁止方向)(上,下,左,右)
default move_ban_s = 0
default move_ban_x = 0
default move_ban_z = 0
default move_ban_y = 0
default move_set1 = 0
default move_set2 = 0
image move_image_x1 = "movesys/player-x2.png"
image move_image_x1s:
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
image move_image_s1 = "movesys/player-s2.png"
image move_image_s1s:
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
image move_image_y1 = "movesys/player-y2.png"
image move_image_y1s:
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
image move_image_z1 = "movesys/player-z2.png"
image move_image_z1s:
pause 0.1
pause 0.1
image move_ui1 = "movesys/key-fx.png"
image move_ui2 = Transform("movesys/key-fx.png",matrixcolor=BrightnessMatrix(0.2))
image move_ui3 = Transform("movesys/key-fx.png",matrixcolor=ColorizeMatrix(black_color="#a00000", white_color="#ffffff"))
image move_ui4 = "movesys/key-mode.png"
image move_ui5 = Transform("movesys/key-mode.png",matrixcolor=BrightnessMatrix(0.2))
layeredimage jsyddh:
if move_set1 == 0:
if move_set1 == 1 and move_set2 == 0:
if move_set1 == 2 and move_set2 == 0:
if move_set1 == 3 and move_set2 == 0:
if move_set1 == 4 and move_set2 == 0:
if move_set1 == 1 and move_set2 == 1:
if move_set1 == 2 and move_set2 == 1:
if move_set1 == 3 and move_set2 == 1:
if move_set1 == 4 and move_set2 == 1:
### 动效模块 #######################################################################
transform move_set1_y:
anchor (0.5,1.0)
pos (move_pos_x-120,move_pos_y)
linear 0.5 pos (move_pos_x,move_pos_y)
transform move_set1_z:
anchor (0.5,1.0)
pos (move_pos_x+120,move_pos_y)
linear 0.5 pos (move_pos_x,move_pos_y)
transform move_set1_s:
anchor (0.5,1.0)
pos (move_pos_x,move_pos_y+120)
linear 0.5 pos (move_pos_x,move_pos_y)
transform move_set1_x:
anchor (0.5,1.0)
pos (move_pos_x,move_pos_y-120)
linear 0.5 pos (move_pos_x,move_pos_y)
transform move_set2_p:
anchor (0.5,1.0)
pos (move_pos_x,move_pos_y)
screen move_js():
add "movesys/movetest.png"
if move_set2 == 0:
add "jsyddh" at move_set2_p
if move_set1 == 1:
add "jsyddh" at move_set1_y
if move_set1 == 2:
add "jsyddh" at move_set1_x
if move_set1 == 3:
add "jsyddh" at move_set1_z
if move_set1 == 4:
add "jsyddh" at move_set1_s
timer 0.5 action SetVariable("move_set2",0),Call("move_pd")
use move_key
screen move_key():
background None
anchor (0.5,0.5)
if playermode == 0:
if playermode == 1:
idle "move_ui4" at tybh_fxy
hover "move_ui5"
focus_mask True
if playermode == 0:
action SetVariable("playermode",1)
if playermode == 1:
action SetVariable("playermode",0)
keysym "K_q"
if move_ban_y == 0:#当角色的通行性未被禁止时,启用按键
idle "move_ui1" at tybh_fxy
hover "move_ui2"
focus_mask True
if move_set2 == 1:#当角色正在播放假动作时,禁用按键,避免动画出现“断触闪现” 和 真坐标在假动作未播放完毕时持续增长
action NullAction()
elif renpy.variant("mobile"):#当设备是移动端时,按键为接触响应
hovered SetVariable("move_pos_x",move_pos_x+120),SetVariable("move_set1",1),SetVariable("move_set2",1)
action NullAction()
action SetVariable("move_pos_x",move_pos_x+120),SetVariable("move_set1",1),SetVariable("move_set2",1)
keysym "any_K_d"#当设备是电脑端时,绑定键盘qwasd
idle "move_ui3" at tybh_fxy
if move_ban_x == 0:
idle "move_ui1" at tybh_fxx
hover "move_ui2"
focus_mask True
if move_set2 == 1:
action NullAction()
elif renpy.variant("mobile"):
hovered SetVariable("move_pos_y",move_pos_y+120),SetVariable("move_set1",2),SetVariable("move_set2",1)
action NullAction()
action SetVariable("move_pos_y",move_pos_y+120),SetVariable("move_set1",2),SetVariable("move_set2",1)
keysym "any_K_s"
idle "move_ui3" at tybh_fxx
if move_ban_z == 0:
idle "move_ui1" at tybh_fxz
hover "move_ui2"
focus_mask True
if move_set2 == 1:
action NullAction()
elif renpy.variant("mobile"):
hovered SetVariable("move_pos_x",move_pos_x-120),SetVariable("move_set1",3),SetVariable("move_set2",1)
action NullAction()
action SetVariable("move_pos_x",move_pos_x-120),SetVariable("move_set1",3),SetVariable("move_set2",1)
keysym "any_K_a"
idle "move_ui3" at tybh_fxz
if move_ban_s == 0:
idle "move_ui1" at tybh_fxs
hover "move_ui2"
focus_mask True
if move_set2 == 1:
action NullAction()
elif renpy.variant("mobile"):
hovered SetVariable("move_pos_y",move_pos_y-120),SetVariable("move_set1",4),SetVariable("move_set2",1)
action NullAction()
action SetVariable("move_pos_y",move_pos_y-120),SetVariable("move_set1",4),SetVariable("move_set2",1)
keysym "any_K_w"
idle "move_ui3" at tybh_fxs
### 地图模块 #######################################################################
label move_map:
scene bg
call screen move_js
jump move_map
label move_pd:
$ move_ban_y = 0
$ move_ban_x = 0
$ move_ban_s = 0
$ move_ban_z = 0
$ move_vpos_x = (move_pos_x+60)//120
$ move_vpos_y = (move_pos_y+60)//120
if move_vpos_x == 1:
$ move_ban_z = 1
if move_vpos_x == 16:
$ move_ban_y = 1
if move_vpos_y == 1:
$ move_ban_s = 1
if move_vpos_y == 9:
$ move_ban_x = 1
if move_vpos_x == 2 and move_vpos_y == 2:
show screen move_js
if move_vpos_x == 2 and move_vpos_y == 2:
$ move_ban_y = 1
if move_vpos_x == 4 and move_vpos_y == 2:
$ move_ban_z = 1
if move_vpos_x == 3 and move_vpos_y == 3:
$ move_ban_s = 1
if move_vpos_x == 3 and move_vpos_y == 1:
$ move_ban_x = 1
if move_vpos_x == 5 and move_vpos_y == 6:
$ move_ban_y = 1
if move_vpos_x == 7 and move_vpos_y == 6:
$ move_ban_z = 1
if move_vpos_x == 6 and move_vpos_y == 7:
$ move_ban_s = 1
if move_vpos_x == 6 and move_vpos_y == 5:
$ move_ban_x = 1
if move_vpos_x == 5 and move_vpos_y == 6:
show screen move_js
$ move_pos_x = 7*120-60#7和6是虚拟坐标
$ move_pos_y = 6*120-60
$ move_ban_z = 1
$ move_ban_y = 0
$ move_ban_s = 0
$ move_ban_x = 0
jump move_map
if move_vpos_x == 7 and move_vpos_y == 6:
show screen move_js
$ move_pos_x = 5*120-60
$ move_pos_y = 6*120-60
$ move_ban_z = 0
$ move_ban_y = 1
$ move_ban_s = 0
$ move_ban_x = 0
jump move_map
### 使用说明 #######################################################################
#在游戏主流程中使用jump move_map或call move_map即可调用整个地图系统