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[RenPy] 纯文本查看 复制代码 ##### The game screen
screen memo_scr:
##### Timer
timer 1.0 action If (memo_timer > 1, SetVariable("memo_timer", memo_timer - 1), Jump("memo_game_lose") ) repeat True
text str(memo_timer) xalign 0.5 yalign 0.05 outlines [(3, "#111111", 0, 0)]
##### Cards
# To use images, just comment out lines that show text and uncomment lines that show images
grid 4 3:
for card in cards_list:
background None
if card["c_chosen"]: # shows the face of the card
#text card["c_value"] # will show text
add card["c_value"] # 用图片去掉#号
else: # shows the back of the card
#text "X" # will show text
add "C" # 使用图片去掉#号
action If ( (card["c_chosen"] or not can_click), None, [SetDict(cards_list[card["c_number"]], "c_chosen", True), Return(card["c_number"]) ] )
def cards_shuffle(x):
return x
##### Images
image A = "n1.png" # different card images
image B = "n2.png"
image C = "nb.png" # back of the card
label memoria_game:
# At first, let's set the cards to play (the amount should match the grid size - in this example 12)
$ values_list = ["A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B"]
# Then - shuffle them
$ values_list = cards_shuffle(values_list)
# And make the cards_list that describes all the cards
$ cards_list = []
for i in range (0, len(values_list) ):
cards_list.append ( {"c_number":i, "c_value": values_list[i], "c_chosen":False} )
# Before start the game, let's set the timer
$ memo_timer = 50.0
# Shows the game screen
show screen memo_scr
# The game loop
label memo_game_loop:
$ can_click = True
$ turned_cards_numbers = []
$ turned_cards_values = []
# Let's set the amount of cards that should be opened each turn (all of them should match to win)
$ turns_left = 3
label turns_loop:
if turns_left > 0:
$ result = ui.interact()
$ memo_timer = memo_timer
$ turned_cards_numbers.append (cards_list[result]["c_number"])
$ turned_cards_values.append (cards_list[result]["c_value"])
$ turns_left -= 1
jump turns_loop
# To prevent further clicking befor chosen cards will be processed
$ can_click = False
# If not all the opened cards are matched, will turn them face down after pause
if turned_cards_values.count(turned_cards_values[0]) != len(turned_cards_values):
$ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True)
for i in range (0, len(turned_cards_numbers) ):
cards_list[turned_cards_numbers[i]]["c_chosen"] = False
# If cards are matched, will check if player has opened all the cards
$ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True)
# Let's remove opened cards from game field
# But if you prefere to let them stay - just comment out next 2 lines
for i in range (0, len(turned_cards_numbers) ):
cards_list[turned_cards_numbers[i]]["c_value"] = Null()
for j in cards_list:
if j["c_chosen"] == False:
renpy.jump ("memo_game_loop")
renpy.jump ("memo_game_win")
jump memo_game_loop
label memo_game_lose:
hide screen memo_scr
$ renpy.pause (0.1, hard = True)
$ renpy.pause (0.1, hard = True)
"You lose! Try again."
jump memoria_game
label memo_game_win:
hide screen memo_scr
$ renpy.pause (0.1, hard = True)
$ renpy.pause (0.1, hard = True)
"You win!"
label start:
jump memoria_game
return |