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[原创] 使用shader绘制雪花

发表于 2021-7-30 17:09:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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最近在研究shader,此贴为中间副产品。需Ren'Py 7.4.5以上版本。



[RenPy] 纯文本查看 复制代码
init python:

    renpy.register_shader("shadertoy.miraclesnowflakes", variables="""
        uniform float u_time;
        uniform vec2 u_model_size;
        uniform vec2 u_mouse_pos;
        uniform float u_radius;
        uniform float u_zoom;
        uniform float u_layers;
        uniform float u_layersblob;
        uniform float u_step;
        uniform float u_far;
        #define iterations 15.0
        #define depth 0.0125

        vec3 light=vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
        vec2 seed=vec2(0.0,0.0);
        float iteratorc=iterations;
        float powr;
        float res;
        vec4 NC0=vec4(0.0,157.0,113.0,270.0);
        vec4 NC1=vec4(1.0,158.0,114.0,271.0);

        lowp vec4 hash4(mediump vec4 n)
            return fract(sin(n)*1399763.5453123);

        lowp float noise2(mediump vec2 x)
            vec2 p = floor(x);
            lowp vec2 f = fract(x);
            f = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
            float n = p.x + p.y*157.0;
            lowp vec4 h = hash4(vec4(n)+vec4(NC0.xy,NC1.xy));
            lowp vec2 s1 = mix(h.xy,h.zw,f.xx);
            return mix(s1.x,s1.y,f.y);

        lowp float noise222(mediump vec2 x, mediump vec2 y, mediump vec2 z)
            mediump vec4 lx = vec4(x*y.x,x*y.y);
            mediump vec4 p = floor(lx);
            lowp vec4 f = fract(lx);
            f = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
            mediump vec2 n = p.xz + p.yw*157.0;
            lowp vec4 h = mix(hash4(n.xxyy+NC0.xyxy),hash4(n.xxyy+NC1.xyxy),f.xxzz);
            return dot(mix(h.xz,h.yw,f.yw),z);

        lowp float noise3(mediump vec3 x)
            mediump vec3 p = floor(x);
            lowp vec3 f = fract(x);
            f = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
            mediump float n = p.x + dot(p.yz,vec2(157.0,113.0));
            lowp vec4 s1 = mix(hash4(vec4(n)+NC0),hash4(vec4(n)+NC1),f.xxxx);
            return mix(mix(s1.x,s1.y,f.y),mix(s1.z,s1.w,f.y),f.z);

        lowp vec2 noise3_2(mediump vec3 x)
            return vec2(noise3(x),noise3(x+100.0));

        float map(mediump vec2 rad)
            float a;
            if (res<0.0015)
                a = noise222(rad.xy,vec2(20.6,100.6),vec2(0.9,0.1));
            else if (res<0.005)
                a = noise2(rad.xy*20.6);
                a = noise2(rad.xy*10.3);
            return (a-0.5);

        vec3 distObj(vec3 pos,vec3 ray,float r,vec2 seed, float zoom, float far)
            mediump float rq = r * r;
            mediump vec3 dist = ray * far;

            mediump vec3 norm = vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
            mediump float invn = 1.0/dot(norm,ray);
            mediump float depthi = depth;
            if (invn<0.0) depthi =- depthi;
            mediump float ds = 2.0*depthi*invn;
            mediump vec3 r1 = ray*(dot(norm,pos)-depthi)*invn-pos;
            mediump vec3 op1 = r1+norm*depthi;
            mediump float len1 = dot(op1,op1);
            mediump vec3 r2 = r1+ray*ds;
            mediump vec3 op2 = r2-norm*depthi;
            mediump float len2 = dot(op2,op2);

            mediump vec3 n = normalize(cross(ray,norm));
            mediump float mind = dot(pos,n);
            mediump vec3 n2 = cross(ray,n);
            mediump float d = dot(n2,pos)/dot(n2,norm);
            mediump float invd = 0.2/depth;

            if ((len1<rq || len2<rq) || (abs(mind)<r && d<=depth && d>=-depth))
                mediump vec3 r3 = r2;
                mediump float len = len1;
                if (len>=rq) {
                    mediump vec3 n3 = cross(norm,n);
                    mediump float a = inversesqrt(rq-mind*mind)*abs(dot(ray,n3));
                    mediump vec3 dt = ray/a;
                    r1 =- d*norm-mind*n-dt;
                    if (len2>=rq) {
                        r2 =- d*norm-mind*n+dt;
                    ds = dot(r2-r1,ray);
                ds = (abs(ds)+0.1)/(iterations);
                ds = mix(depth,ds,0.2);
                if (ds>0.01) ds=0.01;
                mediump float ir = 0.35/r;
                r *= zoom;
                ray = ray*ds*5.0;
                for (float m=0.0; m<iterations; m+=1.0) {
                    if (m>=iteratorc) break;
                    mediump float l = length(r1.xy);
                    lowp vec2 c3 = abs(r1.xy/l);
                    if (c3.x>0.5) c3=abs(c3*0.5+vec2(-c3.y,c3.x)*0.86602540);
                    mediump float g = l+c3.x*c3.x;
                    l *= zoom;
                    mediump float h = l-r-0.1;
                    l = pow(l,powr)+0.1;
                    h = max(h,mix(map(c3*l+seed),1.0,abs(r1.z*invd)))+g*ir-0.245;
                    if ((h<res*20.0) || abs(r1.z)>depth+0.01) break;
                    r1 += ray*h;
                if (abs(r1.z)<depth+0.01) dist=r1+pos;
            return dist;

        vec3 nray;
        vec3 nray1;
        vec3 nray2;
        float mxc=1.0;

        vec4 filterFlake(vec4 color,vec3 pos,vec3 ray,vec3 ray1,vec3 ray2, float radius, float zoom, float far)
            vec3 d=distObj(pos, ray, radius,seed, zoom,  far);
            vec3 n1=distObj(pos, ray1, radius, seed, zoom, far);
            vec3 n2=distObj(pos, ray2, radius, seed, zoom, far);

            vec3 lq=vec3(dot(d,d),dot(n1,n1),dot(n2,n2));
            if (lq.x<far || lq.y<far || lq.z<far) {
                vec3 n=normalize(cross(n1-d,n2-d));
                if (lq.x<far && lq.y<far && lq.z<far) {
                    nray = n;
                float da = pow(abs(dot(n,light)),3.0);
                vec3 cf = mix(vec3(0.0,0.4,1.0),color.xyz*10.0,abs(dot(n,ray)));
                color.xyz = mix(color.xyz,cf,mxc*mxc*(0.5+abs(dot(n,ray))*0.5));
            return color;
        float time = u_time*0.2;
        res = 1.0 / u_model_size.y;
        vec2 p = (-u_model_size.xy + 2.0*gl_FragCoord.xy) *res;

        vec3 rotate;
        mat3 mr;
        vec3 ray = normalize(vec3(p,2.0));
        vec3 ray1;
        vec3 ray2;
        vec3 pos = vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0);

        gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
        nray = vec3(0.0);
        nray1 = vec3(0.0);
        nray2 = vec3(0.0);
        vec4 refcolor = vec4(0.0);
        iteratorc = iterations - u_layers;
        vec2 addrot = vec2(0.0);
        addrot=(u_mouse_pos.xy - u_model_size.xy * 0.5) * res;
        float mxcl = 1.0;
        vec3 addpos = vec3(0.0);
        pos.z = 1.0;
        mxc = 1.0;
        float zoom = u_zoom;
        float mzd=(zoom -0.1) / u_layers;
        for (int i=0; i<u_layersblob; i++)
            vec2 p2 = p-vec2(0.25)+vec2(0.1*float(i));
            ray = vec3(p2,2.0)-nray*2.0;

            ray1 = normalize(ray+vec3(0.0,res*2.0,0.0));
            ray2 = normalize(ray+vec3(res*2.0,0.0,0.0));
            ray = normalize(ray);
            vec2 sb = ray.xy*length(pos)/dot(normalize(pos),ray)+vec2(0.0,time);
            vec3 seedn = vec3(seed,pos.z);
            sb = floor(sb);
            if (noise3(seedn)>0.2 && i<int(u_layers))
                powr = noise3(seedn*10.0)*1.9+0.1;
                rotate.z = (0.5-noise3(seedn+vec3(10.0,3.0,1.0)))*time*5.0;
                seedn.z += time*0.5;
                addpos.xy = sb+vec2(0.25,0.25-time)+noise3_2(seedn)*0.5;
                vec3 sins = sin(rotate);
                vec3 coss = cos(rotate);

                light = normalize(vec3(1.0,0.0,1.0))*mr;
                vec4 cc = filterFlake(gl_FragColor,(pos+addpos)*mr,ray*mr,ray1*mr,ray2*mr, u_radius, u_zoom, u_far);
            seedn = vec3(sb,pos.z)+vec3(0.5,1000.0,300.0);
            if (noise3(seedn*10.0) > 0.4)
                float raf = 0.3 + noise3(seedn*100.0);
                addpos.xy = sb+vec2(0.2, 0.2-time) + noise3_2(seedn*100.0) * 0.6;
                float l = length(ray * dot(ray,pos + addpos) - pos - addpos);
                l = max(0.0,(1.0-l*10.0*raf));
                gl_FragColor.xyzw += vec4(1.0,1.2,3.0,1.0) * pow(l,5.0) * (pow(0.6+raf, 2.0)- 0.6)  *mxcl;
            mxc -= 1.1/u_layers;
            pos.z += u_step;
            iteratorc += 2.0;
            mxcl -= 1.1/float(u_layersblob);
            zoom -= mzd;
        vec3 cr = mix(vec3(0.0),vec3(0.0,0.0,0.4),(-0.55+p.y)*2.0);
        gl_FragColor.xyz += mix((cr.xyz-gl_FragColor.xyz)*0.1,vec3(0.2,0.5,1.0),clamp((-p.y+1.0)*0.5,0.0,1.0));
        gl_FragColor = min(vec4(1.0), gl_FragColor);


[RenPy] 纯文本查看 复制代码
init python:

    class MiracleSnowFlakes(renpy.Displayable):
        def __init__(self, child, width, height, radius=0.1, zoom = 1.0, layers = 5, layersblob = 10, step = 1.0, far = 100.0, **kwargs):
            super(MiracleSnowFlakes, self).__init__(**kwargs)
            self.child = renpy.displayable(child)
            self.width = width
            self.height = height
            self.radius = radius
            self.zoom = zoom
            self.layers = layers
            self.layersblob = layersblob
            self.step = step
            self.far = far
            self.mouse_pos = (0, 0)

        def render(self, width, height, st, at):
            render = renpy.Render(self.width, self.height)
            render.add_uniform("u_time", st)
            render.add_uniform("u_model_size", (self.width, self.height))
            render.add_uniform("u_mouse_pos", self.mouse_pos)
            render.add_uniform("u_radius", self.radius)
            render.add_uniform("u_zoom", self.zoom)
            render.add_uniform("u_layers", self.layers)
            render.add_uniform("u_layersblob", self.layersblob)
            render.add_uniform("u_step", self.step)
            render.add_uniform("u_far", self.far)
            renpy.redraw(self, 0)
            return render

        def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
            self.mouse_pos = (x, self.height - y)

[RenPy] 纯文本查看 复制代码
image miraclesnowflakes = MiracleSnowFlakes("texture", width = 1280, height = 720, radius=0.25, zoom = 1.0, layers = 5, layersblob = 10, step = 1.0, far = 100.0)

label main_menu:

label start:

    show miraclesnowflakes


另外,不使用 texture 图片也可以,自己用image语句定义个图像就行。只要不使用顶点着色器的情况都不需要有个实际图片。
发表于 2021-11-13 11:13:00 | 显示全部楼层
ShaderError: ERROR: 0:20: 'float' : overloaded functions must have the same return type
ERROR: 0:42: 'float' : overloaded functions must have the same return type
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-11-15 08:48:09 | 显示全部楼层
天使的遗族 发表于 2021-11-13 11:13
ShaderError: ERROR: 0:20: 'float' : overloaded functions must have the same return type
ERROR: 0:42 ...

overloaded functions……
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-11-15 23:14:03 | 显示全部楼层
被诅咒的章鱼 发表于 2021-11-15 08:48
overloaded functions……

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